National, State, and Regional Survey for all PTA Families

National, State, and Regional Survey for all PTA Families

National PTA, State PTA , and Regional PTA are requesting feedback from our families and to host listening sessions regarding access to COVID-19 Testing in schools. Please note that National, State, and local PTA have not yet taken a position on COVID-19 testing in schools and are requesting feedback at a local level. To clarify, the conversation is about access to optional COVID-19 testing, making use of school sites to offer free testing, and how PTA could help facilitate that. It is not about testing students on-campus during school hours if they are showing symptoms. Think of it more as a "polling place" for testing that is familiar to students who might have anxiety, and how we can utilize the facilities to offer more accessible options for the whole community. All feed back is anonymous. Please Complete by May 31st.

Please Fill in the following Google Form:

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Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week

This PTSA school year has been an exciting but challenging rebuilding year. Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up and we really need your help to give our teachers, administrators, and staff a wonderful experience.

We would like to give them a luncheon, a coffee bar for Monday morning, and hopefully a small gift. We have 100 employees at our school site that we will be honoring.

For a generous donation of $50, you are sponsoring these items for all of your student's teachers. We appreciate the staff at BHMS, and this is our annual celebration of their dedication. We welcome any amount that fits your family's situation.

Many families like to give physical items, we have you covered.

The following sign-up genius,,

has a place for you to donate only monetary value, food items, or a combination of both. All monetary donations are via check written out "BHMS PTSA" note-teacher appreciation to the office or via PayPal, @bhmspusd, or Donated items need to be dropped off Tuesday, May 3rd, or morning of May 4th, if it needs to be refrigerated.

Last, PTSA would like to send notes of gratitude or encouragement from our families to our teachers and staff. Send any such notes to

We thank you for your generosity!

Jennifer Brailsford

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Upcoming PTSA Activities

Come and Support our Students and Staff for the end of the year!

To all our families- Join us for our April PTSA meeting via zoom, this Wednesday, April 20th at 6pm. We are voting in the new board. Discussing end of year activities and what will be coming up for the fall. We invite everyone to join and all the questions you may have for the next 6 months.

-Teacher Appreciation Week 1st week of May: PTSA will be providing goodies for our Teachers and staff. If you would like to monetarily contribute please do so via Paypal,, with a note "Teacher Appreciation week." There will also be a sign up genius going out for items to be donated for the week.

---Notes for our Teachers and Staff: If you as a parent would like to send out a note for a teacher or staff member that has impacted your student's education experience, please send them to We would like to give these to our teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week.

Lawn Sign Pick-Up

8th grade families- Those who ordered lawn signs for the first roll out will be available for pick up this Friday, April 22nd from 2:45pm-3:45pm. We will be located at the circle in front of the school and the performing arts center. There is a second pick up time on Saturday April 23rd from 8am-9am. Located at the circle. Please have a parent or authorized adult pick up the sign. If you are going to have someone else pick up please contact with their name.

PTSA MEETING for 8th grade transition to high school

PTSA MEETING for 8th grade transition to high school

Meeting March 9th @6pm

Jennifer Brailsford is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Mar 9, 2022 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 6400 6047

Passcode: 420457

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Meeting ID: 852 6400 6047

Passcode: 420457

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